What Does Pigeon Scat Look Like?

Similar in appearance to small marbles, pigeon droppings are firm and white-brown in color. The scat of healthy birds will contain tiny feathers. Liquid, wet droppings are a sign of stressed or unhealthy birds.

Signs of Infestation

Pigeons roost in colonies throughout residential areas, which is an issue because their feces quickly accumulate. Droppings accumulate on buildings, porches, sidewalks, and lawns.

Hazards of Pigeon Feces

In addition to looking displeasing when they stain building facades, pigeon droppings are highly acidic and wear away both stone and metal over time. If enough builds up within homes, the pest's excrement can cause floors or roofs to fall in. Large quantities can also destroy vegetation and contaminate food meant for both humans and livestock. Also, pigeon droppings contribute to the spread of life-threatening diseases like psittacosis, cryptococcosis, and histoplasmosis. If you suspect a pigeon has taken up residence on your property, Contact Us at Critter Control of Southern Wisconsin for professional removal! 

Pigeon Droppings Removal

To deter pigeons from leaving droppings on private properties, individuals should use habitat adjustment and exclusion tools to mitigate the possibility of attracting the pests. Frightening devices, bird spikes, and bird netting can all be used with varying degrees of success. However, the most effective way to limit the residence of both pigeons and pigeon droppings is to call the wildlife experts at Critter Control of Southern Wisconsin.

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