What Do Porcupine Tracks Look Like?
With their large size and threatening quills, porcupines are easily identifiable animals. Their footprints are equally unique, making them quite distinctive. Porcupine prints in the mud and dirt have a pebbly texture and are usually accompanied by drag marks created by their tails. Additionally, their front prints are also much smaller than those made by their hind feet. Since these pests move slowly, they typically leave a deep impression in the ground. Porcupine prints in the dirt or mud don't include toe impressions, but claw marks will be visible. The best place to find prints is in forests, around houses, or at the bases of trees.
The pests have a unique method for dealing with snow. Just like a snowplow clears roads for safe driving, porcupines create trails so they can move more easily from their dens to food sources. As a result, porcupine prints in the snow are not visible. Instead, the large rodents leave behind impressive trenches.
Getting Rid of Porcupines
In addition to leaving tracks, porcupines cause problems with their feeding habits. The pests love salt, so they gnaw on house siding, cars, and other surfaces to get to salt residue. Their quills also pose a threat to household pets. For these reasons, it's important that homeowners contact the experts at Critter Control as soon as they spot porcupine tracks in the yard and our trained technicians will remove the pests swiftly and safely. Contact Us at Critter Control of Southern Wisconsin for professional removal!